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In the city of Verona, the longstanding quarrel between the Montague and
capulet families breaks into violence. romeo Montague reveals to his cousin
Benvolio that he is in love with rosaline, but that his love is unrequited. after
learning that rosaline will be at a party at the capulet house that night, romeo’s
friends convince him to attend in disguise. romeo meets Juliet, and they fall in
love. during the party, they discover that their families are sworn enemies. from
capulet’s garden romeo overhears Juliet express her love for him. When he
answers her, they declare their love and their desire to be married. friar Lawrence
agrees to secretly marry them, expressing the hope that the marriage may end
the families’ feud. after their marriage, Juliet’s cousin tybalt challenges romeo to
a duel. romeo refuses to fight, and his friend Mercutio is killed instead. romeo
then kills tybalt and is banished from Verona. Juliet’s parents announce that
she must marry Paris. Grief-stricken, Juliet visits friar Lawrence who gives her a
potion that will make her appear as if she is dead the morning of her wedding.
the nurse finds Juliet in a deathlike trance and she is taken to her family’s burial
vault. romeo hears of Juliet’s death and returns to Verona. he arrives at her
tomb and takes poison, dying as he kisses her. Juliet awakens and finds romeo
dead and kills herself with his dagger.

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