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the poetry portfolio has several components. It is best to remember that students should have been writing poems that may be used in the portfolio the entire poetry unit. If you as a student do not have these poems, you might want to think really hard to remember what you were doing in class all of the time that we were working on poems this past unit….

This all needs to be bound together in some way:
cover sheet with title and by line
table of contents
A paper that discusses the topic chosen in that paper you must persuade me that your topic is the best
either 7 OWN poems OR 4 of OWN combined with 4 of your partners. (If you have a partner, they will have to have a copy of their paper included as well.)
Poems to be included are: acrostic, simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, symbolism, free verse, limerick, tanka, poem for two people, or a professional poem that you’ve memorized (that you’ll need to share with the class to get credit).
Before each poem, there needs to be a sheet that labels which type it is, and the definition included
There should also be artwork, if it isn’t original the place it was copied from needs to be given credit.

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