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Generic Disclosure:

MY PHILOSOPHY: I believe that every student has potential. It is my goal to help each student reach their own greatest potential.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Students are expected to be prepared for class each day, be ready to learn, be respectful to the teacher and other students, and be responsible for their own actions. They are to find out what they missed after being absent. They will raise their hands when they wish to contribute or have a question. The work that is submitted is expected to be the student’s best work. Papers in colored pen (besides blue or black), crayon, and marker, as well as assignments on torn spiral notebook paper, will not be accepted. The exception is when the assignment requires artistic expression.

Materials Needed: Each student will need a composition notebook, loose-leaf paper, 3-ring binder, 5 page separators, a highlighter, and a writing utensil every day. They may also need various paper, poster boards, jump drives and objects as assignments deem necessary. When reading Shakespeare and novels, students will be required to bring them to class daily.

Instructional Information: Teaching methods include lectures, notes, reading, * video clips, hands-on experience, individual and group projects, analyzing and critiquing various literary and technical works, and many group discussions.

* Video Clips – During the term, students will view materials directly related to the concepts that are being taught. Often times I can show students what I am speaking of through the use of a video. At no time will a video be shown for entertainment purposes only.

It is the policy of Syracuse Arts Academy Junior High to not accept late work after one week past the due date (this excludes extreme illness and emergencies) unless arrangements are made with me ahead of time or the allotted one time rain check applies.

Additionally, it is the English Department’s policy that any work that is turned in after the due date until that week is reached will be worth 50% of the total possible points.

Grading Policy: Each student will be required to write a daily prompt and work on weekly spelling and vocab words. Every Friday, students will be given a spelling and vocab test. Students will be graded on various projects, writing assignments, quizzes, and tests. A letter grade will be given on the percentage of total points earned in the term.

There are different categories that the English grade is based on. Therefore, students’ grades are not based on just one category. Students are graded on effort and attitude in class as well.

(Should any questions arise, students should visit with me.)
I grade on a daily basis. Students can view their grades within a day or two on-line after turning in.

School wide rules, policies and guidelines will be followed. ALL school policies on safety, dress, and use of technological devices will be enforced.

NEED HELP? Help will always be available to those who ask.

I will usually be available before and after school. I encourage students to make sure to ask if they do not get a concept. Use of the Daily Planners is strongly encouraged to help keep assignments and due dates recorded.

Keeping in Touch: The timely return of the bottom portion of this disclosure is a ten-point assignment. In addition to this, if you would please include a parent email that is current and frequently checked, I will also award 10 extra credit points to the assignment. (Many of you already know needs.) Emails are also the best way to get in touch with me.

You know your student best, should something be going on in his/her life, please let me know! The smallest things can make an impact on school work and behavior!

By signing this paper, you give permission for your student to read the assigned novels in class and watch the movie version. Should you have any questions or concerns, you will contact Mrs. Stephens.

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