Reflex Math and IXL

There are many levels to math education.  From the most basic of math facts, to the in depth things we cover in class, covered in the Math Blog section  of my page.  The school is invested in making sure they are well rounded with their education.  We also realize that it is not possible to get to everything during the few hours we have at school.  With that in mind, they have invested some money in some online programs that the students can use from home.  It is important that they are getting a consistent practice to help cement some of the more abstract things into their brains.

Reflex Math


Reflex Math is exactly as it says in their logo; it helps the students achieve math fact fluency.  Math Fact fluency is SO important in all aspects of math.  The quicker they are with the standard addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts, the easier it will be when they are asked to do things like long division, or multiplying fractions and decimals.  Math Facts are the basis of everything we do.  This program is so much like a game that the students barely even realize that they are strengthening the very core of their math knowledge.


ixlIXL is a computer based program that allows them to practice the skills that are required of them at this level.  After they have logged in, they are able to select any topic that we have, or will be covering throughout the sixth grade core.

What Does This Mean For You?

I am going to start making it an assignment that the students use these at home.  It will similar to the reading minutes, but rather than 100 minutes a week, I am only going to ask for 30 minutes of each for now.  Believe me, I would be ecstatic if they could get on more often than that, but that will be all I require.  Reflex math is a free choice as to which activity they choose, as they all practice the math facts.  IXL, however, I will assign a specific topic for them to practice, which is directly related with what we are doing in class.  If they want to do more outside of that topic, that would be fantastic, but I am going to ask that the 30 minutes of IXL for the assignment be within the focused area.

I will not need any kind of parent note as I do for reading minutes, because I can check it from my connected account.

I have posted a link to the side for both websites.  The students  should know how to get to each of the pages and log in.  With IXL, they are used to going to the main page, which means their username has to have @saa at the end of it.  On the side, I have linked our homepage, so all they need is their username without the @saa.  From the Reflex Math homepage, they need to click the word launch in the top left corner.  It will then pull up the log in page.  They need to enter the classroom through my username, which I will e-mail home, select the class, select their name, and then enter their password.  If they have any issues getting in, please let me know, I will help guide them through the process.

Thanks for your support in this.  Getting the kids on and using these programs will benefit them greatly when it comes to their understanding of what we are covering in class.  If by chance, the students does not have access to a computer or the internet from home, please let me know.  I am willing to work with them here at school so they can get their time in before school, after school, or during their recess at lunch.

Thanks again!

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