Mrs. Petersen’s Home Page


Dear students and parents,

Welcome to 2013-2014 school year at Syracuse Arts Academy!  You will be receiving your homework folder and your planner in class; it is my gift to you.  You will need to bring your 3-ring binder that you take to your other classes, you will need to bring a writing utensil.  I am not picky, bring a pen, bring a pencil, honestly you could even bring a crayon, but be prepared to use it!

23 Responses to Mrs. Petersen’s Home Page

  1. Garrett Berryman

    Hello!!! This is Garrett Berryman. This is my post!!!! Have a good night.

  2. Hi Mrs. Petersen your blog looks very good. I will see you tomorrow in advisory.

  3. Yay for blogs!

  4. I like working out

  5. Christina Burggraaf

    I love advisory!! :)

  6. i am posting on mrs. petersens blog. {o__0}

  7. I think that you are the best advisory teacher I could have.

  8. hi I like cheese do you

  9. AJ asked me to post a picture of where he does his homwork but I am not sure how to attach things here? Can you offer instruction?

    • Billie Jo Petersen

      AJ will need to email the picture to me at bpetersen@syracuseartsacademy, I did not realize that the students could not post media. So the assignment has changed slightly and that will be discussed today in class. Thank You for asking

  10. why do i have a missing asimint

  11. Hello :P this is shelton!

  12. i saw powerpoint.

  13. Christina Burggraaf

    Mrs. Petersen,
    JJ and I have seen your Powerpoint.

  14. Hi,:)
    It’s Morgan, I saw the post!!!!!!!:)

  15. Garrett Berryman

    I have reviewed the blog and new changes and have talked with Garrett about this. Thank you for your help. Rachel Berryman

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