Dear students and parents,
Welcome to 2013-2014 school year at Syracuse Arts Academy! You will be receiving your homework folder and your planner in class; it is my gift to you. You will need to bring your 3-ring binder that you take to your other classes, you will need to bring a writing utensil. I am not picky, bring a pen, bring a pencil, honestly you could even bring a crayon, but be prepared to use it!
Hello!!! This is Garrett Berryman. This is my post!!!! Have a good night.
Hi Mrs. Petersen your blog looks very good. I will see you tomorrow in advisory.
Yay for blogs!
HI Mrs. Petersen!
I like working out
I love advisory!!
i am posting on mrs. petersens blog. {o__0}
I think that you are the best advisory teacher I could have.
Thank you! that is very kind of you.
hi I like cheese do you
AJ asked me to post a picture of where he does his homwork but I am not sure how to attach things here? Can you offer instruction?
AJ will need to email the picture to me at bpetersen@syracuseartsacademy, I did not realize that the students could not post media. So the assignment has changed slightly and that will be discussed today in class. Thank You for asking
why do i have a missing asimint
Talked with you in class, sorry I didn’t get to the post quickly.
this is shelton!
i saw powerpoint.
Jo, Please look again, I am posting it now, so you can’t have seen it when you posted
Mrs. Petersen,
JJ and I have seen your Powerpoint.
It’s Morgan, I saw the post!!!!!!!:)
I have reviewed the blog and new changes and have talked with Garrett about this. Thank you for your help. Rachel Berryman