Dear Santa #10

Dear Santa,

This is Abby, a 6th grader from Syracuse, Utah.  I’ve been thinking and realized I have a lot of things and don’t need much more.  This year, I am not asking for anything for myself for Christmas.  Instead, I want you to send the things I ask for to those who need them.  I would feel better if you gave my presents to those I specify.

First, I want houses, food, water, clothing toys, books and other things for a comfortable life. Please send these all to the less fortunate.  Every time I walk through a city, such as Salt Lake, I see less fortunate people all over.  It makes me sad to think how unequal everyone is.  I would like everyone to be equal.  Please make the poor as well off as me.

The world is a very dangerous place.  There is war, stealing, murder, and terrorism. I want world peace.  I want everyone who does bad things to know they are doing bad and stop.  I want everyone to be able to sleep safely knowing they will not be attacked.  Please send this to the entire world so everyone will be safe.  This will make me know everyone is happy.

Lastly, I want you to send a cure for cancer and all other incurable diseases from the common cold to E. Bola. A lot of people are sick with these diseases.  They might not live to see the new year or even Christmas.  My neighbor’s aunt is sick with cancer.  She has surprised the doctors and lived when they said she would die, but I want her to live because she has little children to look after.  Please cure her and others.

Please send these gifts to those I have specified.  Thank you and Merry Christmas.


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