Thank you!

IMG_0461On Wednesday, one the obvious activities we did was based around being thankful.  They created a list of things they were thankful for, and then turned one of them into a complete sentence explaining why.  We then wrote those on the board.  I began the process by writing mine first, and though I specifically wrote students, it’s true as it extends out to their families, and really our entire community here at the school.

“I am thankful for my students; because of them, I know I’m loved.”

I’ve been through some rough times at home while working here at this school, and though most of it has passed prior to this school year, it never ceases to amaze me the level of compassion I get from my administration, my coworkers, my students and their families.  Through it all, I’ve done my best to leave home at home, and have the always positive attitude here at school.  Though I can’t pin point any specific occasions, I’m sure there were times I broke here at school.  But the family here at school is what kept me going, and I need to be sure, that even during the up times in my life like now, I never forget to let everyone who is part of that family know I am thankful for them.  From kind words, to the occasional hug, to even just a smile as we pass in the hallway, it all helps keep me on level ground.

I am a teacher.  I did not come into this job for the money.  I came into it for the relationships I would build, and the difference I can make, and to have the opportunity to make that difference, to leave my mark on this world, to follow my old Boy Scout code and leave things better than they were when I was there, that is all I really need.


(One of my favorite poems, by Taylor Mali. Click the picture for a video.)

As much as I make a difference, you need to know that all of you make a difference to me. I am thankful for the opportunity to have been able to work with you all.  I am thankful that our time is nowhere near done, as we still have more than half the school year to go.  I am thankful for everyone who is a part of the SAA family: the board, the administration, my coworkers, the students, their families and friends, and everyone else who helps to make the environment here at our school what it is.  Thank you is not enough, but it’s all I have, so again, thank you all!


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