3 Down, 177 To Go!


In all seriousness, with the first week behind us, I have high hopes for the horizon.  This class seems like a good, sweet bunch of kids.  They seem prepared to learn, and I am certainly ready to teach!  Of course, with as many preassessments that get taken during the first week, I think we’re all ready to move past the testing and onto the learning.  I will be putting the data I’ve gathered to good use though.

I’ve a few pictures to share with you.  As a sixth grade team, we think it’s important that the kids begin to grow and develop as a team from day one.  For the next nine months, the kids will be spending more of their waking hours with their classroom family than their home family, so we figure, the sooner we can get them working together the better.  This first picture comes from our first day of team building.  Each class is given the same supplies: a rope and a scooter; and they are required to cross the basketball court without ever touching the ground, using only those supplies.  Every year we see different solutions, but every year they seem to figure it out!

Team BuildingThe other picture comes from a short break we took between some of our tests.  I wanted to play with the panoramic function that I’ve recently discovered on my phone.  Apparently, I’m not a professional with it yet as the picture is far from perfect, but it’s still fun!


There’s not a whole lot more to be said right now.  We’ve got a good bunch of kids, it should make it a great year!  I’m looking forward to it!

“Young people don’t always do what they’re told, but if they can pull it off and do something wonderful, sometimes they escape punishment. ” ~ Rick Riordan

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