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‘Twas the first day of classes, and all through the school

The students were learning procedures and rules.

Supplies were stacked up on the desks and the chairs.

Students sat and they listened to teachers with care.

They spoke not a word, as bell work began.

Writing answers and thinking the best that they can.

They all crossed their fingers that lockers were next.

(They were eager to get those supplies off their desks!)

Some students can tell you about their frustration.

Trying to work with their locker combination!

Next – an assembly with cheerleaders galore,

And a dragon who waved and high-fived at the door.

Out on the playground, teambuilding was next

Students were challenged to all do their best.

Talking and planning to find the best way,

To rescue their teammates and, thus, save the day!

How the time flew!  It’s hard to believe.

Carpools were waiting; they needed to leave.

Students waved at the door, as they walked out of sight.

“Teacher, see you tomorrow, and have a good night!”

- Terri McGuire



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3 Responses to “First Day of School”

  1. Jaylynn Panter says:

    What an amazing creativity you have! We are so happy our son is in your class!

  2. Shantel says:

    This is so neat! Thanks for sharing the pictures!

  3. Suzy says:

    Ok, that was just adorable! :)

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