
Blog Assignment

Students, as a participation grade, I am asking that each of you show me that you have visited this blog by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of this box and leaving  a comment for me to read.

Due Friday, January 24.

Due Jan. 15


1 Page Paper:

Must include:

-positive feedback

-constructive criticism

and comments on

-vocal choices (voice and speech)

-movement choices

-acting choices


Essence Project

Essence Project:

1:  Pick 3 songs that “fit” you.

2:  What is your color?

3:  Bring pictures in for a collage about yourself.


These can also be applied to characters/costumes.

Due October 31, 2013.

Theatre Job Projects:  Due Wed./Thurs. Oct.23 and 24

1: 1 Page Report–Paragraph Form/Typed

2:  2 minute Oral Presentation

3:  Present Physical Product based on your job

1:  Come up with 1 line of text.

2:  Say that line 3 different ways (with 3 different actions).

3:  Come to neutral in between each interpretation.


Due Thursday, September 19.

Hi Parents!

I am writing to say that I am enjoying your students in my Theatre 1 class.  They are really opening up, and I am excited to see all that they will achieve in this class.

Please read the information below.

1:  I have started a blog where students can visit to read and be reminded of assignments and upcoming events.  My goal is that I can get to a place where you as parents and students make a habit of visiting my blog regularly to stay updated on this type of information.  As a participation grade for your student, I am asking that they visit my blog, click on Theatre 1 on the right side of the page, click on comments at the bottom of the assignment box, and then leave a comment for me to show me that they have visited my blog.  I am asking that they post this comment by September 24.  My blog address is:

2:  Please take the time to write me a reply to this email so that I can verify that you are receiving my emails and are aware of all that has been included in this email.

3:  Our first parent/teacher conference days are approaching quickly.  They will be September 25 and 26.  Please contact me in advance if you would like to set up a time to meet with me as I must set up my schedule for those days in ahead of time.  I will notify you if there are any problems which need to be discussed in advance, however, I feel that everyone is doing a great job participating at this time.

If you have any questions about the above or anything else, please feel free to email me, call me, or even post a comment on my blog.

Thank you,

Melissa Burke


Blog Assignment

Students, as a participation grade, I am asking that each of you show me that you have visited this blog by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of this box and leaving  a comment for me to read.


This assignment is due by September 24.




Pantomime Project

Students must create a pantomime project to present in class.

They are required to:

1:  Walk into a “space” (room) looking for a specific object.

2:  They must interact with at least 3 objects in the room while looking for their object.

3:  They must use or interact with the object that they find which they were looking for.

4:  They must then leave the room.  They can take the pantomimed object with them when they leave or leave it in the room.

BE Specific!

Projects to be performed Thursday, September 12.

Visit a Public Place:

Write a one page paper in paragraph form about everything you observe around you in this place.

Be certain to include observations for each of the 5 senses (you must mention each one to get full credit):

What do you see?  What do you hear?  What do you feel?  What do you taste?  What do you smell?

Also write about one person you see in the space and what you observe them doing.  (The observation of this person must be included to get full credit).

Assignment due September 10.


Theatre 1

First Assignment:

Bring in something that “inspires” you and tell why it inspires you.

2-3 Minutes

Due Monday August 26

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