Character Analysis
CHARACTER ANALYSIS: (answer in 1st person)
1-Tell me about your childhood:
2-Tell me the 5 biggest experiences/influences that have been a part of your life that have shaped your life to this point:
3: Name the 5 most important given circumstances that affect your character (who/what/when/where/why):
4: Give a detailed account of the 5 minutes before your character arrived in the scene:
5: The Present:
-Who are you talking to? Give details about that person and your relationship.
-What is the setting around you?
6: Specify character choices for your character:
-how does your character move?
-what is your character choice for your voice?
-name the 3 emotions that your character seems to experience the most:
7: In what ways are you as the actor similar to the character? How are you different?
Due: Tuesday Dec. 2
Current Event
Please post your current event picture link here.
Three Interpretations Project
1: Come up with 1 line of text.
2: Say that line 3 different ways (with 3 different actions).
3: Come to neutral in between each interpretation.
Due Wednesday, Sept. 24
Object and Pantomime
Please bring in an object you can describe and “lift” for us:
1: pick it up and announce what it is
2: describe it (in detail)
3: lift it (give it size—what’s incredible about it?)
4: tell us its background (DETAIL!! The more rich and detailed, more effective)
5: make up a background (create a truth—none of it true—use of self makes it true)
Due Tuesday, Sept. 16
Pantomime Project:
Students must create a pantomime project to present in class.
They are required to:
1: Walk into a “space” (room) looking for a specific object.
2: They must interact with at least 3 objects in the room while looking for their object.
3: They must use or interact with the object that they find which they were looking for.
4: They must then leave the room. They can take the pantomimed object with them when they leave or leave it in the room.
BE Specific!
Projects to be performed Thursday, Sept. 18
Inspire Project
First Assignment:
Bring in something that “inspires” you and tell why it inspires you.
2-3 Minutes
Due Wednesday, August 27
Character Analysis
CHARACTER ANALYSIS: (answer in 1st person)
1-Tell me about your childhood:
2-Tell me the 5 biggest experiences/influences that have been a part of your life that have shaped your life to this point:
3: Name the 5 most important given circumstances that affect your character (who/what/when/where/why):
4: Give a detailed account of the 5 minutes before your character arrived in the scene:
5: The Present:
-Who are you talking to? Give details about that person and your relationship.
-What is the setting around you?
6: Specify character choices for your character:
-how does your character move?
-what is your character choice for your voice?
-name the 3 emotions that your character seems to experience the most:
7: In what ways are you as the actor similar to the character? How are you different?
Observe Emotion
One Paragraph: Observe your body, face, and voice when you actually feel overcome by a specific emotion in real life.
Due Friday Feb. 22
Three Interpretations Project
1: Come up with 1 line of text.
2: Say that line 3 different ways (with 3 different actions).
3: Come to neutral in between each interpretation.
Due Thursday, February 20th
Pantomime/Objects Projects
Please bring in an object you can describe and “lift” for us:
1: pick it up and announce what it is
2: describe it (in detail)
3: lift it (give it size—what’s incredible about it?)
4: tell us its background (DETAIL!! The more rich and detailed, more effective)
5: make up a background (create a truth—none of it true—use of self makes it true)
Due Tuesday, February 11
Pantomime Project:
Students must create a pantomime project to present in class.
They are required to:
1: Walk into a “space” (room) looking for a specific object.
2: They must interact with at least 3 objects in the room while looking for their object.
3: They must use or interact with the object that they find which they were looking for.
4: They must then leave the room. They can take the pantomimed object with them when they leave or leave it in the room.
BE Specific!
Projects to be performed Thursday, February 13th.
First Assignments
First Assignment:
Bring in something that “inspires” you and tell why it inspires you.
2-3 Minutes
Due Wednesday January 29
Visit a Public Place:
Write a one page paper in paragraph form about everything you observe around you in this place.
Be certain to include observations for each of the 5 senses (you must mention each one to get full credit):
What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? What do you taste? What do you smell?
Also write about one person you see in the space and what you observe them doing. (The observation of this person must be included to get full credit).
Assignment due Thursday, January 30.