CHARACTER ANALYSIS: (answer in 1st person)
1-Tell me about your childhood: (paragraph)
2-Tell me the 5 biggest experiences/influences that have been a part of your life that have shaped your life to this point: (at least 5 sentences)
3: Name the 5 most important given circumstances that affect your character (who/what/when/where/why): (at least sentences)
4: Give a detailed account of the 5 minutes before your character arrived in the scene: (at least 2 sentences)
5: The Present:
-Who are you talking to? Give details about that person and your relationship. (a paragraph)
-What is the setting around you? (Think of the 5 senses.)
6: Specify character choices for your character:
-how does your character move? (1 sentence)
-what is your character choice for your voice? (1 sentence)
-name the 3 emotions that your character seems to experience the most: (list them)
7: In what ways are you as the actor similar to the character? How are you different? (paragraph)

Mark all beats and actions for each of your scripts.


Please get the word out!!!


Update 04/10

Hi:) You may be hearing from me quite a bit as we get closer to the show.

This Friday (April 11)–Rehearsal from 1-3:30ish (anyone who can stay and help clean up this will be helpful!)
*thank you to any parents who are coming, we will just finish running through the show and any parents who can help me at the end, we will finish the costume parade that day…hoping to be certain we have all the costumes we need by this point.

Next Friday (April 18)–Rehearsal from 1-3:30ish (anyone who can stay and help clean up this will be helpful!)
*we will run through costume changes on this day
*any parents who come into rehearsal this day can help us with last minute needs as I hope to plan to have all costumes/props/set pieces in place by this day

Friday April 25 (MANDATORY) 1 PM until at least 4PM. (please stay and help clean up if you can!)
*we will add in technical elements to the show this day
*dress rehearsal
*WE WILL SELL tickets in the lobby on this day from 3 until 4PM. This will be the ONLY day we will pre-sell assigned seats (aside from the already assigned sponsor seating). On the nights of the show all other seats not previously sold will be first come first serve. (We also have a small contest happening that day with a reward for the student who has the most pre-sell tickets that day).

Monday and Tuesday April 28 and 29 (MANDATORY) Dress Rehearsals immediately following school until approx. 5PM. (Please stay and clean up if you can!)
*final dress rehearsals

Show: 7PM each night Wednesday the 30th, Thurs. May 1 and Fri. May 2
*Cast must arrive by 6PM each night
*Box office parents should arrive by 5:45 to help set up and be ready for those who will buy tickets at the door
*Backstage parents (thank you to those who have volunteered to help via email I will be back in touch)
(Also school assembly performance on Friday morning May 2)

STRIKE: parents who are volunteering to help strike, please plan to stay and help clear all items after the show is over Friday May 2

Cast Party: Details to come! TBA


Ad for you to Post

Here is the ad you can post to your personal social networking to encourage friends and family to come to our show!!

Thanks!Ad for you to Post

Hi Parents!

We are getting closer to our production of The Little Mermaid, Jr. Thank you for all of your volunteer work!

I am writing to say that if you feel you need to meet with me during Parent Teacher Conference days (Next Thurs. the 6th and Fri. the 7th from 3-6 each day), please email me to set up a specific time.

I plan to be located on the stage during those days, and since I do not often have many parents who come in to meet with me, I plan on using that time to potentially work with singers on their solos and it is possible that we could check on using that time while I am around to help connect parents on building any needed set pieces one of those days? Or any other parents who want to talk about what they want to do to help with the play in person could come that day?

Parents who said they could help with building things: if you were to outline the materials we need to have for you and could get those together, would this be a time when we could start this process? We need to build as a parent group Ursula’s lair and also help put some casters on and things on other items. Some painting may also be needed. Could a group meet one of those days to at least discuss this and plan it out? Please respond if you want to help build something!

KEEP THE CALENDAR in your mind, please:

-Thursday March 6th, early out…we will rehearse 1:30 to 3 since we can’t get the stage on that Friday due to elementary show.
-We should have rehearsals from about 1-3 on Friday March 14 and Friday March 21. (The 21st is a big day, as I hope to maybe do the costume parade that day and take pictures? This is our last rehearsal before Spring Break!!)
-April 11th and 18th are important to try to be there as we only have those two after spring break before we get into required rehearsals.

**No one will be excused to miss Friday April 25th (1-4 at least), Monday April 28th (after school), Tuesday April 29th (after school) and then our show opens on the 30th.

Thanks for all you are doing!
Melissa Burke


Sponsor Assignment

Please list each of the potential sponsors you approach as part of your grade. You must approach 3 potential sponsors each and post their names by commenting below by Feb. 28. Thank you for your support!

Please take note of the places which have already been approached while looking for potential sponsors.



Hi All:

Rehearsals are starting off well!

Thanks for those parents who have been in touch and for those who have been willing to jump right in and help.

We will have rehearsal for all of those cast members who are in Under The Sea from 1-2:30 tomorrow.

We should also have rehearsal next Friday the 14th until 2:30, as well.

I will be in touch with more information as we continue!

Melissa Burke


Character Analysis

Please complete a character analysis for each character you play in The Little Mermaid, Jr.


CHARACTER ANALYSIS:  (answer in 1st person)

1-Tell me about your childhood: (paragraph)

2-Tell me the 5 biggest experiences/influences that have been a part of your life that have shaped your life to this point: (at least 5 sentences)

3:  Name the 5 most important given circumstances that affect your character (who/what/when/where/why): (at least sentences)

4:  Give a detailed account of the 5 minutes before your character arrived in the scene: (at least 2 sentences)

5:  The Present:

-Who are you talking to?  Give details about that person and your relationship. (a paragraph)

-What is the setting around you?  (Think of the 5 senses.)

6:  Specify character choices for your character:

-how does your character move? (1 sentence)

-what is your character choice for your voice? (1 sentence)

-name the 3 emotions that your character seems to experience the most: (list them)

7:  In what ways are you as the actor similar to the character?  How are you different? (paragraph)


Mark all beats and actions for each of your scripts.


Due Friday, Jan. 31


Blog Assignment

Students must post a comment below to receive credit for the assignment of visiting the blog.

This assignment is due by Jan. 31.

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