

Post your 1970s link here.



Post your 1960s links here.



Please post your 1940s link here.



Post your 1950s links here.


1930s Assignment

Please post your links for your 1930s songs under comments for this box.






Musical Is Based On:  

Date it Opened on Broadway:

Summary:  This musical …  (PARAGRAPH)


5 Facts About the Original Production: 






Character/Who Are They Singing To/Purpose of the Song:



Blog Assignment

Students, as a participation grade, I am asking that each of you show me that you have visited this blog by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of this box and leaving  a comment for me to read.


Because you will often be asked to share a video with the class, please post a link to your favorite song as part of your comment so that I may verify that you know how to do this.


This assignment is due by September 24.



Hi Parents!

I am writing to say that I am enjoying your students in my Musical Theatre class. They are really opening up, and I am excited to see all that they will achieve in this class.

Please read the information below.

1: I have started a blog where students can visit to read and be reminded of assignments and upcoming events. My goal is that I can get to a place where you as parents and students make a habit of visiting my blog regularly to stay updated on this type of information. As a participation grade for your student, I am asking that they visit my blog, click on Musical Theatre on the right side of the page, click on comments at the bottom of the assignment box, and then leave a comment for me to show me that they have visited my blog. I am asking that they post this comment by September 24. My blog address is:
As part of this comment, please have your student post a link to your favorite musical theatre song so that I may verify that they know how to post a link to a video as they will be required to do this as part of their weekly assignments.

2: Please take the time to write me a reply to this email so that I can verify that you are receiving my emails and are aware of all that has been included in this email.

3: Our first parent/teacher conference days are approaching quickly. They will be September 25 and 26. Please contact me in advance if you would like to set up a time to meet with me as I must set up my schedule for those days in ahead of time. I will notify you if there are any problems which need to be discussed in advance, however, I feel that everyone is doing a great job participating at this time.

4: This year I will be creating SAA’s second annual Musical Theatre Cabaret. This will be an event where your students are invited to perform whatever pieces they work on during the course of the class. This is NOT required by grade. I created this as an additional performance opportunity for students in the class. The date for our Cabaret is set for Wednesday night, January 15. Your child has the option to choose whether they perform or not. (I hope everyone will do this:). We should be having a dress rehearsal for this the day before, and I will get you details on time as we get closer.

If you have any questions about the above or anything else, please feel free to email me, call me, or even post a comment on my blog.

Thank you,

Melissa Burke


Song As Monologue

Student will:

1:  Type or write out the lyrics for a section of a musical theatre song.

2:  Students must mark all beats in the song. (/)

3:  Students must write in the actions for each beat (ex.: to punch, to slash) and number each.

4:  Students must memorize and act out their song as a monologue in class.  Please work on using facial expression, body language, and make it as believable as possible.

Students will perform these in class Thursday, September 12.

1:  Breath:  how you apply breathing to your singing including support

2: Resonance:  the quality of a sound being full, deep, and reverberating (also think of projection)

3:  Pronunciation:  shaping of sounds

4:  Pitch:  position of a single sound in the complete range of sound

5:  Performance: all of the ways in which you perform a song-including acting it/feeling it/helping the audience to feel and experience what you are singing about


There will be a quiz on these during the week of Sept. 3-6.

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