CHARACTER ANALYSIS: (answer in 1st person)
1-Tell me about your childhood: (paragraph)
2-Tell me the 5 biggest experiences/influences that have been a part of your life that have shaped your life to this point: (at least 5 sentences)
3: Name the 5 most important given circumstances that affect your character (who/what/when/where/why): (at least sentences)
4: Give a detailed account of the 5 minutes before your character arrived in the scene: (at least 2 sentences)
5: The Present:
-Who are you talking to? Give details about that person and your relationship. (a paragraph)
-What is the setting around you? (Think of the 5 senses.)
6: Specify character choices for your character:
-how does your character move? (1 sentence)
-what is your character choice for your voice? (1 sentence)
-name the 3 emotions that your character seems to experience the most: (list them)
7: In what ways are you as the actor similar to the character? How are you different? (paragraph)

Mark all beats and actions for each of your scripts.

Please post a link to a song that expresses an emotion (or one that relates to yourself).

Please also post a link to a song that is from a specific culture for us to share in class.

Careful the things you say
Children will listen
Careful the things you do
Children will see
And learn
Children may not obey
But children will listen
Children will look to you
For which way to turn
To learn what to be
Careful before you say
“Listen to me”
Children will listen