1: Come up with 1 line of text.
2: Say that line 3 different ways (with 3 different actions).
3: Come to neutral in between each interpretation.
Due Wednesday, Sept. 24

Complete your rubric as posted previously on the blog. Please be sure it it typed. You complete this information based on the 1920s musical you were assigned. Your paper is due Thursday Sept. 25.

You also will print out the lyrics to the song you were assigned from this musical to prepare it as a monologue. You will need to mark beats and actions on the lyrics. You will perform the monologue in class. These are due on Tuesday, Sept. 23.

Please bring in an object you can describe and “lift” for us:
1: pick it up and announce what it is
2: describe it (in detail)
3: lift it (give it size—what’s incredible about it?)
4: tell us its background (DETAIL!! The more rich and detailed, more effective)
5: make up a background (create a truth—none of it true—use of self makes it true)
Due Tuesday, Sept. 16
Pantomime Project:
Students must create a pantomime project to present in class.
They are required to:
1: Walk into a “space” (room) looking for a specific object.
2: They must interact with at least 3 objects in the room while looking for their object.
3: They must use or interact with the object that they find which they were looking for.
4: They must then leave the room. They can take the pantomimed object with them when they leave or leave it in the room.
BE Specific!
Projects to be performed Thursday, Sept. 18

Choir: please post a link to a song that will help us know more of who you are.

Due: Friday, September 12