Hi All:
Rehearsals are starting off well!
Thanks for those parents who have been in touch and for those who have been willing to jump right in and help.
We will have rehearsal for all of those cast members who are in Under The Sea from 1-2:30 tomorrow.
We should also have rehearsal next Friday the 14th until 2:30, as well.
I will be in touch with more information as we continue!
Melissa Burke
Megan on 2014.02.14
Hey, Ms. Burke!
You asked me to send you the link to the video, so here it is!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4UlKKmNclg – Poor Unfortunate Souls*
http://youtu.be/5JhI8Wd018A?t=33m34s – Poor Unfortunate Souls
*My favorite one!
Megan Scott on 2014.02.16
Hey, Mrs. Burke!
I guess my last post didn’t show up, so here it is again;
Also, I found this. You’ve probably already seen it, but on Pinterest, they have some costume ideas.