Theatre Job Projects
Theatre Job Projects: Due Wed./Thurs. Oct.23 and 24
1: 1 Page Report–Paragraph Form/Typed
2: 2 minute Oral Presentation
3: Present Physical Product based on your job
Theatre Job Projects: Due Wed./Thurs. Oct.23 and 24
1: 1 Page Report–Paragraph Form/Typed
2: 2 minute Oral Presentation
3: Present Physical Product based on your job
Meghan McNamara on 2013.10.28
Hi this is for a different project however the project is not up. Here are the instructions to get to them:
1. go to youtube
2.search counting stars onerepublic
3.look for official video it’s vevo
4.i’m pretty sure it’s appropriate
5.after watching that, search canon by piano guys
6.if you can’t find them, I’ll show you
sorry by youtube doesn’t work on our computers or else I would have sent you the web address.
Lindsey Hill on 2013.10.29
I was able to reach the website.
Emma on 2013.12.03
Syracuse Arts Academy
2893 west 1700 south
Syracuse, UT, 84075
Dear, Miss Burke
In CTE we had to choose a teacher to send a greeting to and I choose to send one to you, I choose you because I wanted to thank you for helping me with my acting and for your feedback. I hope I’m getting better at acting and I want to take theater next year. It’s fun and it’s the class I look forward to going to everyday, anyway thanks for every thing