
1930s Assignment

Please post your links for your 1930s songs under comments for this box.


  1. tyler anglin on 2013.09.26

    My song for the 1930s musical From Jublee by cole porter.

  2. Cora on 2013.09.26

    Here is my 1920′s to 1930′s song ;)

  3. Sydney D'Alessandro on 2013.09.27

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-LJbWSudVQ Is my 1930′s song from Dubarry was a Lady. This song is called Do I Love You?

  4. Felicia Moffett on 2013.09.30

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w0dQru6FYg I really hope this is the right one, it’s from the New Yorkers and it’s called Take Me Back to Manhattan. thanks! :)

  5. Chloe Fowers on 2013.10.01

    Hey Ms. Burke! Here’s my 1930′s song from the musical “Red Hot and Blue”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fczNUBXFEos

  6. Kara Mills on 2013.10.01

    This is my video/song for the 1930′s .

  7. Noah George on 2013.10.01

    here is the link to my 1920s musical


  8. Noah George on 2013.10.01

    here is the link to my 1930s musical

  9. Sherika Harris on 2013.10.02

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SriyJMP3ppE Here is the link of the 1930

  10. tyler anglin on 2013.10.04

  11. tyler anglin on 2013.10.04

    can you please only play 1minute and 45 seconds of this song please It is originally 7minutes and 17 seconds long and I don’t want to dance that long ;-)

  12. Sydney D'Alessandro on 2013.10.05

  13. Megan Scott on 2013.10.06

  14. Cora on 2013.10.08

    This is my musical Oklahoma. The song is I can’t say no.


  15. Cora on 2013.10.08

    Hey sorry you can fast forward the song to 1:25, that’s when they start singing.

  16. Sydney Cockerham on 2013.10.08

    you didn’t have the 1940′s post p so i put it here instead. Here is the video for my musical carousel. the song is you’ll never walk alone.


  17. Anna Smith on 2013.10.08

    This is my 1940′s song!


  18. Janisha Harris on 2013.10.09

  19. Abbie on 2014.09.23

    Can you only play the first 56 seconds. thank you.
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_T-KNc_Ta4 FD
    From Red, Hot and Blue its delovely piano only.

  20. Dawson Brown on 2014.09.28

    The Song is Sing for Your Supper


  21. Harrison Maxfield on 2014.09.29

    This is the song Night and Day.

  22. Tiana Billings on 2014.09.30

    This song is called “Just One of Those Things.”

  23. Harrison Maxfield on 2014.10.01

    please use THIS link for 1930s instead of the other one.

  24. Cassie Ratliff on 2014.10.02

    Without lyrics
    From 1:19-2:12
    With lyrics
    From 1: 29-2:06
    I didn’t kno if we had to do karaoke or not
    I’d feel more comfortable with a track but am fine singing also

  25. joe on 2014.10.02

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LZUoRQ652Y you can start from begging and stop were ever you want

  26. joe on 2014.10.02


  27. Kylah Nanark on 2014.10.02


  28. Zach Peacock on 2014.10.02

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLwREAX4d2A you can stop anywhere you want.

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