Category Archives: Advisory

THE homework place photo

Dear All,
Students, I told you that you could post your picture of your homework place on this blog. However, I have since learned that I am the only person who can post Media posts. So, I will need you to email me your picture and then I will post it without identification.
Thank You,
BillieJo Petersen

Homework Folder Presentation

Homework folder presentation

September 5

Students were introduced to the points checkbooks that we will be using to reward positive behaviors. They also sat with grade level teams and began to organize their binders. The homework folder is not being utilized by all students, so remind your students to put their assignments in it. Students you may watch the video about the homework folder as often as you like, it will be posted here.

Disclosure Statement

disclosure statement


For all of you who catch the mistake I made on the Disclosure statement- you can earn an extra 5 points.  As well as the admiration of all for catching me making a mistake (which never happens ;) ).

PS I fixed it on the version saved to this website, so if you compare the handout with the one here, you’ll be able to find it.

012Hello all of my beautiful students for the year!!  I look deeply forward to meeting and re-meeting many of you.  Your first assignment this year is to respond to this post :)

All you need to do is say hello in whatever school appropriate way you desire.