Category Archives: Advisory

Homework Alert

I know it’s early, but this is the best time to keep on top of grades!  Everyone took home an SIS report- please sign it and return it by Monday!

January 29

Today we explained again the system of using either a tracker or the planner and getting them signed.  We did a quick binder check- several students still need additional dividers or folders.  Please guys (and gals) come in and talk with me if you don’t have the opportunity to get your own folders- I still have several plain ones.

We also reviewed skills and rules for the assemblies in preparation for the pep rally tomorrow.  We want to be lined up quickly and quietly so that we can be there before it gets started.

January 28

Today in advisory we worked on independent work towards goals and checked binders.  Students did an excellent job keeping their voices off during work time.

January 27

Today in advisory we focused on the binders.   There was a lot to check as students transition to getting their planners signed and using the binder system.  This first few weeks while we are learning, the grade posted is a participation check.

On February 3, the binder check will be more complex and will receive a grade based on the posted rubric.

The trackers will also get a grade starting on the 3rd as well.  This first month every day that students have all 7 teachers’ signatures on their trackers they will get their name in a drawing for a gift certificate at a local restaurant. :) Good Luck!

Here is the Rubric

This is the rubric that I will use for big binder checks in addition to the 1 point check on regular days.rubric for binder

Semester 2 Procedures

Here is the power point that introduces the new procedures.

new procedures

Week of November 15

This week…
Monday, no advisory, Veteran’s Day Assembly
Tuesday and Wednesday-Math group worked on finishing tests and story problems. Reading group worked on identifying main ideas, and decoding multi-syllable words. Social Skills group reviewed past skills, especially waiting skills.
All students printed out SIS reports that are due back signed by a parent. Some already have missing assignments.
Thursday- 8th and 9th graders prepared for reality town. 7th graders worked on organization of personal folders and lockers.

Term 2

Well we are off and running with Term 2. We had some students who should be congratulated for having 0 missing assignments! They received their certificates in class, Congratulations again!
This Term our class will be working in multiple groups, each day students will be assigned a group and their activities will be geared for specific, more personalized skills, that will help students be more successful in their other classes. When I post I will post all 4 groups’ objectives, your student will be able to tell you which group they were in and as always you may contact me through email with any questions or needs. Don’t forget, we also have open office hours on Monday afternoons. These office times are for students and parents, so please come by.

Homework Places

homework placehomework place2

homeworkplace3homework place4
Here are some of the Homework places!
Be ready to talk about good things and bad things about these places, as well as why it is good to have one place to work in.

September 18

Today in Advisory we began reading a piece called “Setting Goals” by Michael Hyatt. This article is at a Lexile level of 1020, which puts it within a 6th grade reading level. We are primarily using this reading piece to talk about how to set goals and work towards them, which is our first behavior organizational strategy this year. During this unit, though, we will also be practicing our social skills of sharing ideas with a partner, and the reading comprehension strategy of reading for a specific purpose.
Special Note: the class store will be this coming Monday- Students Do Not Forget your Checkbooks.