Monday: Decimal Division (Assignment) This was scheduled for Friday last week but we did not get to it.
Tuesday: Factors, Multiples, and Divisibility
Wednesday: Prime Factorization
Thursday: Greatest Common Factor
Friday: Least Common Multiple
Weekly Assignments:
Overall, I was pleased with the turnout for how many people did the online assignments. I would like to see this at 100%, so please encourage your students to continue working in both Reflex and ALEKS.
30 Minutes of Reflex Math (checked on Friday nights)
ALEKS Assignment (Decimal Division) due by October 15. I’ve changed the assignment this week so when they go in to retake it, they only have to redo the problems they missed, therefore, I am going to up the expectancy. I want to see the students get at least 80% proficiency on the assignment.
Project of the Week Exemplars: The Frog and the Dog