We are familiar with fractions. We are familiar with decimals. We are familiar with percents. This lesson is where we realize that fractions, decimals, and percents, are all the same thing: parts of a whole; and it is possible to convert between the three of them.
Converting from a Fraction to a Decimal
Remember, all along we have talked about how a division problem can be represented as a fraction. This is where that comes in handy. To convert a fraction to a decimal, you divide the numerator by the denominator.
Converting from a Decimal to Percent
Converting a decimal to a percent is as easy as times the decimal by 100 or moving the decimal point two places to the right..
0.75 x 100 = 75
So, 0.75 = 75%
Converting from a Fraction to a Percent
Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this, you have to first convert the fraction to a decimal, and then to a percent.
Converting From a Percent to a Decimal
Converting from a percent to a decimal is just the opposite from converting from a decimal to a percent. If you have 80% and you want to make it a decimal, you divide it by 100, or move the decimal point two places to the left.
80 ÷ 100 = 0.80
So, 80% = 0.8
Converting From a Decimal to a Fraction
To be able to convert from a decimal to a fraction, you have to be familiar with your decimal place value. Here is a chart for reminder:
With our previous example 0.8, you would say that eight-tenths. Say that out loud. Now think about that as a fraction. Eight-tenths:
Remember, you may also have to simplify. 8/10 would simplify down to 4/5.
Here’s a few more examples with a bit longer decimals.
Converting From a Percent to a Fraction
There are a couple of different ways to convert from a percent to a fraction. The first would be to convert from a percent to a decimal, and then the decimal to a fraction. You can simplify that process though, by breaking apart the word percent.
per – for each
cent – hundred
So percent means for each hundred. A fraction bar can also be used to represent the word per, so 45% could be written out 45 / 100. A fraction that just needs simplifying.