I have a pretty strong opinion about Valentine’s Day. It has nothing to do with the theme of the holiday, because even with some of the stories I could tell, I believe in the idea of love. However, before I fully express my opinion, I want to give others a chance to express theirs.
I am trying to decide whether or not we do anything as a class for Valentine’s Day next Friday, and if we do, what should we do? Please leave your opinion as comments. There is no right or wrong answer to the question, I just want to see where our class stands. This could be students and parents alike. Anyone who wants to give their opinion, please do. Pretend like you are trying to persuade me one way or another. The more you can back up your statement, the more likely you will persuade me. The only thing I ask is that you be respectful in your thoughts, and respectful to your peers.
Now have at it… convince me whether or not we should or should not have any Valentine’s celebration in class.
I don’t really like the Holiday Valentines day , I don’t really wont to do anything for it .
I hate valentines day because of the drama, but I also like because of the candy. I hate the love part so we shouldn’t celebrate that part but I think we should celebrate the candy part.
Personally I really don’t care about Valentines day. But I do think we should celebrate. We should have like a valentines box contest. And give out Valentines day.
I think that valentines should be celebrated at school. It doesn’t just award people with special friends (as Mrs. J calls them) but everybody gets awarded with candy. That is why I think valentines day should be celebrated at school, thank you.
I think that we should not celebrate Valentines Day, because in the past that People have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dramatized about this day.
I have to agree on that. People that are so young get so into love and drama and then wind up getting there hearts broke
I think that we should because valentine should be a happy time so I think we should do a valentine candy trade off. Some people don’t like valentine but I still think we should do it because we cant let a few people be party poopers.
I really love valentines day. If you don’t know me, I mostly love it because of the candy.
But there is more to Valentines Day then candy. I LOVE CANDY! LIKE I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LOOOOOOVVEEE CANDY!!!!! BUT, I sorta agree with Mr. Pratt. Valentines Day is kinda stupid. We should love people every day not one certain day. When I say love I mean like, care for people and if your not one of those people just not being a bully is good enough! But what im saying is we need to celebrate it by doing something that makes our class remember that (: AND THIS IS MY INNER ME SAYING, “WITH CANDY!!!!!!!” YAY! Anyway, Honestly, i cant think of anything we can do right now but ill think about it and I hope you will to. Ill post if anything comes into my mind, which I think I lost (; CANDY!!!!!!!!!
I think that we should cause we will have so much fun and its better then the other things you make us do
and I have been doing better on the people I like A.K.A the cute ones
Like mr Pratt said valentines day isn’t the only day that u should tell people u love them. That should be everyday.
I think we should celebrate valentines day because we get FREE CANDY AT SCHOOL! Although I believe we are able to love anyone everyday not on one single day. On valentines day we can eat CANDY ALL DAY LONG! Or we can watch TV or spend time with your valentine. But I mostly care about the candy…
True true, but im trying to find something to make people remember that we need to be kind to others EVERYDAY NOT ON ONE SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I second that tiana
Do I like valentine’s day? Why would I not?! Valentine’s day is one my favorite holidays! I love this day, because of all the love and niceness! Why would you not want to be surrounded by people you like/love? I think the school should NOT stop celebrating valentine’s day. I think our class should celebrate it by making Heart Cookies! Yummmmmmmmmm! Yum Yum Yum! Have fun eating cookies for Valentine’s day. If we can’t, lets celebrate it by Making Paper Bags and then give gifts to each person. This would be a really fun thing to do, and make the school year happy!
:} :] (All the Smileys)
Mason, good idea on the cookies.
I think we should do Valentines cards and Valentines stuff. Valentines day is a day to show appreciation for each other. Even if people are to young to have valentines, it makes them happy and prepares them for there teenage years. We should pass out candy and play games. That’s why I think we should celebrate valentines day.
I think that we should have valentines day because I love making crafts for every one and it will be fun. It also gives me an excuse to make candy. I don’t really care if I eat it. I just like to make it. I also like valentines day because my family likes it.
I like Valentine’s day, but I don’t like Valentine’s day if you know what I mean by that. I don’t like to celebrate it, because I really don’t get the point about it, except you getting candy during school on Valentine’s day…..
I do and don’t like valentines day. the reason why I like valentines is because of the candy and the boxes so maybe we can have a dance party or watch a movie and have a best box contest. ~Logan
I like valentines day. I do not like it for love. I like it for the candy and cards. love is to much . We are only in 6th grade. So that’s why I like it and dislike it. Ps we should celebrate with candy.
Valentines Day is a day of candy. I don’t really like valentines day but I do like the candy. I do think that we should celebrate it though. We could just get paper bags. Maybe we could even decorate them. But really the only reason I like this day is because of the CANDY ~Joee
I think we should celebrate because of the candy and the boxes. ~Josh
My Opinion on Valentines Day is… I like Valentines Day. I like the nice cards and I like the candy.
Te-hee! The only thing that I don’t like about Valentines Day is 6th Graders are asking each other out! We’re 6th graders not High Schoolers! I don’t like all the Drama!
I love Valentines Day!!!!!
I think that we should not do math, no anything. Then we could do Valentines Day candies and cards and watch a movie!!!!! Lets celebrate Valentines Day!!!:D ~Olivia
Do I like Valentines Day and should we celebrate it at school? Yeah……no. No because most people Don’t have a “Valentine” and that may hurt their feelings. Another reason we shouldn’t celebrate Valentines is all the waste of paper and cards. I think Valentines is ……it’s just……bleh!
I really like all these messages.
I know! But there are so much about candy
I only like valentines day cause my dad gets the day off and cause of all the candy. I almost never get to see my dad on holidays. Those are really the only reason I like valentines day. And we also get to watch movies. NNNNNNNOOOOOOTTTT love movies though. I hate those movies!!!!!!!! I think we Should celebrate valentines day. But not do to much love stuff.
My opinion on Valentine’s Day is that as a national holiday, we should celebrate it. People around the world want to celebrate it ,including me. We may not yet be of age, but we still have the right to celebrate this day. We should celebrate it, because the majority is the class, and I’ll bet that most of the class will agree with me right away. As we grow older, this day becomes more important to us, and breaking the tradition of this holiday would most definitely not do us good. As for what we should do, I believe we should stick to the tradition of this holiday. It is simply a form of container, with cards and candy, and I bet some of these guys would appreciate a little sugar in their systems. These are my honest opinions on February 14th. I hope Mr. Pratt can see the good in this, and that you do to.
I think that we should not do any thing for Valentine’s Day. Why? Parents will be running around like crazy. They will be mad and angry. Even if we did get enough Valentines for every one to pass out, we would just throw out the Valentines and keep the candy/toys. It would be a waste of money and time. We would also have to figure out a time when we could pass them out. If we were desperate we might even have to miss math or an important test. Please consider these thoughts. – Taco person/ Horse person/ artist person
I also am a taco person Rachel
My problem is not with the idea of the holiday. With all of the things I’ve been through in my life, I still believe in love. My problems are this:
* As I have taught my previous years’ kiddos, we should not need a special day of the year to tell someone we care about them, we should be doing it throughout the year.
* 6th grade is that glorious time where hormones begin to kick in and kids think they know everything about love… Some years are worse than others, but I grow weary of kids thinking they’re “dating” in 6th grade. I’ve dealt with this several times this year alone. No matter how many times I tell them not to date until they’re 35…
* It’s wickedly over commercialized. Candies are expensive. Cards are expensive. Kids will feel bad if they’re not the ones that bring in the best candy , or the coolest card, when honestly, a nice from-the-heart note means more than anything you could buy, but 6th graders don’t get that. The kid who bought the expensive candies will buy their friends and the kid whose family is really struggling financially for reasons a 12 year old will never understand will end up going home broken hearted because everyone else’s cards and candies were better than theirs.
My comments more laid out now that my vote won’t entirely sway others. Feel free to respond again.
Did you look at mine? I hope I changed ur opinion just a tiny bit so we could celebrate Vaentines Day (: It would also make me REALLY REALLY REALLY HAPPY!!!!!!!
I have a lot of opinions about how we celebrate Valentine’s Day in our current culture in and out of school. I intensely dislike how big companies/stores have conditioned us to believe we must spend a lot to show/prove we care, etc… Even more, I abhor how Valentine’s Day can make people, children especially, measure their worth by how many cards/candy they received or did not receive. Frankly I was shocked when I learned that SAA was selling flowers to be delivered to students on Valentine’s Day. It is completely counter to the message taught at SAA about all people being equally valuable. I believe SAA to be well intentioned on this one but hopefully there will be re-evaluation about it being done again. Why not have your class do something different? What about not doing the card/candy exchange at all? Why not ask for candy donations from parents? Then have a class Valentine’s Day party with a movie and the donated candy split up for the movie treat. Maybe the candy could even be put into bags that the kids can decorate themselves in class as part of the party. This would support the Syracuse ARTS Academy focus of creativity and self expression. Also, it would be easier and cheaper if parents were just asked to donate one bag of candy and only if finances permitted. There could be a candy drop off box so that if someone couldn’t bring candy, nobody would be the wiser. This year have your class celebrate with a fun art/craft project decorating goodie bags, a good movie and yummy treats. This plan would dramatically lessen feelings of anxiety and shame for any child that may already be struggling with their sense of self worth and value. Also, it would help any child and their family that may be worried about how to afford the cards and candy traditionally given out. To me that sounds like an awesome Valentine’s Day celebration!
cool just truly brings tears to my eyes
i really hate valentines day i mean why does it have to be friday. And people are like totes gaga for people i think it should be called friday and all we do is celibrate the day of friday because he always shows up on time and is nice same with sat. and sun. but the true mean one is monday now she is so mean and tires everone out. same with math he’s a mean guy. and don’t forget that friday needs to be appreciated more go FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don’t you think that post was awesome i sent the one before this one cheer professionnalist or wath ever i made my self laugh.