Dear Santa,
My name is Gabe. I wrote this note for…. well, you can probably guess. This note contains what I want for Christmas. I know it’s pretty far out there and would be hard to do, but please write back and try to fulfill my Christmas wishes.
One of the things I want most is pure peace in the world. I doubt you can do that but if you can, please, please do. This is my biggest wish, and even though it’s near impossible, I still write you about it.
I also want a cure for cancer. I am sure you have been asked this many times before, but it would definitely make me very happy. I will be super good next year if you do.
Last, but not least, I want a solution for homelessness. Think of all the helpless hobos out there alone for Christmas. No candy, no presents, no celebration, and worst of all no family time. Christmas is awesome and homeless people have no Christmas.
Like I said, I know these three things would be super hard to solve but would be awesome! Thanks for reading this.