Dear Santa #7

Dear Santa,

My name is Kyra.  I am, according to my classmate, friendly and modest.  I like to do things for others, and care for others.  I like horses, writing, reading, riding, and friendship.

Okay, the first thing I want for Christmas is for everyone to be loved.  I want this because I know how it feels to be loved and I feel bad for anyone who isn’t loved because people think they’re not pretty, or not talented, or maybe even just a different skin color.  Please make this gift possible.

The second thing I want is a cure for cancer.  I haven’t had any personal experience with this, but my aunt once had cancer, so did my friend, and I know it needs to be cured.  Think of all the children suffering from this.

The third and final gift I want is for people to be nice to other people.  I want people to look at each other and not judge them by their looks or how talented they are. This also includes no more fighting.

I hope you like the gifts I asked for.  I made it easy for you because you can only give me the three.  Thanks for listening.  Thanks for everything.


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