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VolunteerSAA sixth grade students can earn the Presidential Volunteer Service Award. You can read more about this award by clicking on the picture. The link will take you to the award’s website.

By logging service hours and getting parent signatures, students can earn bronze, silver, and gold lapel pins; a letter from the president; and a certificate of achievement. I will be sharing more about this program with students in September.

I am the facilitator for this program at SAA, which is sponsored by our SAA Parent Organization. It is free for our students, so a big… Thank you to our SAA parents!

You will find a link below that provides you with a time sheet form, but you may keep track of hours in any way you like. An email or note that details activities and minutes would be just fine. A note requires a readable parent signature. An email must come from a parent’s email account. Click on the image to download the time sheet.

Presidential Volunteer Service Form

Service in our community can take many forms. Scouting, churches, and community clubs may provide the opportunities, or you can look for opportunities on your own. If students shovel a neighbor’s walkway, babysit without reimbursement, clean up litter in a park or along the road, or help you clean out the garage, it is service. The key is service is done willingly and without receiving pay or goods in return for what they do. It is OK to count the time for presidential service, as well as counting it for scouts, church, or community club

Time sheets, notes, or emails must be received by April 30, 2015, in order to receive the award at SAA’s award assembly at the end of the year. Students may continue to work on the award through the summer of 2015, but the award will not be given until the end of October, and there will be no assembly for fall awards.

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