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Wrinkle in Time








In May our class performed a musical improvisation of A WRINKLE IN TIME. We read the book by Madeline L’Engle. As part of the analysis of the book, we explored inference, characterization, author’s purpose, figurative language, themes, historical and literary connections, and imagery. We examined the plot line very closely, compared it to the movie, and discussed how each of us connected to the story. One thing that seemed to stand out to us is the anti-bullying message and the need to stand up for yourself and others.

Since September we have regularly used a form of improvisation in our classroom, called Drama Circles. Students have become very accomplished at “thinking on their feet.” We decided to use some anti-bullying songs, which the students choreographed, and build the play around that commonly shared message, through improvisation. As such, we actually had no script, just a list of things we though should or could be included in each scene.

Each character was given a specific HAT to wear. For example, the character of Meg had a purple sparkly hat. In each scene a different student would wear the hat, when they assumed Meg’s character. The roles were shared and students would exchange hats for each new scene. Each student had the chance to play 3-4 different characters in the play.

We had fun creating a large, stuffed brain with blinking lights for the character of IT, and we really enjoyed infusing the play with our unique 6th grade sense of humor.

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Awkward (April 2015)

(A Wrinkle in Time)

Song written by Mrs. Terri McGuire

Music arranged & performed by Mrs. Laura Bayn


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