Author Archives: Sharon McGarry

7th grade

does it really matter p 1does it really matter p 2does it really matterStudents filled out this worksheet, watched a DVD on Atoms and filled in guided notes.


8th grade

Today, since we are on a block schedule, we didn’t have any 8th grade science classes.


8th grade

Students took notes today on Disturbing the rock layers and Gaps in the geologic record.

7th Grade-

Today students worked on vocabulary words for our new unit or they worked on classifying insects.  Each groups will have the opportunity to do both activities.




7th Grade

DNA and Mutations

Where do mutations occur?

1. cell cycle where DNA is copied

2. During transcription and translation

Types of Mutations

1. Point Mutations

substitution-  is when one “letter” is substituted for another

inversion- switching of “letters”

2. Frame Shift

Deletion- deletion of parts of the code

Insertion- insertion of the code

“***this is the most damaging type of mutations=Frame Shift

Codes are always in groups of 3  which is called a codon. An example  of this CUU or any 3 letter combination.


additional notes need to be drawn come to class for examples.




Science Fair Analysis Write Up

4 Parts in Analysis (no opinions)

1. Explain your data —-patterns in graph

2. Explain what you learned—- no personal info. like this was really hard and my mom didn’t bought my stuff.

3. What problems did you have? Things like the water vase spilled. My plants died. My equipment wasn’t working right.

4. If you did your experiment again what would you do next time different.


Did you prove your hypothesis right or wrong? In my experiment I proved my hypothesis to be__________________.

Cite your evidence,  use your data chart.  Explain why or why not your hypothesis was wright or wrong.

8th Grade

Review for test tomorrow.

7th Grade

Pea DNA lab in science lab today. If you need to make up the lab you can during advisory on next  Thurs., Tues., Wed. or Thurs.

7th grade

industrial melanism


Today students took notes on Industrial Melanism.  Attached is a copy of those notes.