Wed 30 April

Today we learned about our new assignment, to memorize and recite the Gettysburg Address on May 27th and 28th. We went over the rubric and began memorizing it together. I showed students an effective method for memorization. Attached is a copy of the address and the rubric.

We also read from “Shipwreck. . .” and in most cases finished the book. The homework is to read for 20 minutes.

Speaking Rubric

Gettysburg Address



Yesterday we had a substitute teacher. We read from the book “Shipwreck…” Today we continued reading. The homework was to finish chapter 18 and to read for a total of 20 minutes.

Thurs 4/24

Today was our very last day of SAGE testing! After taking a few minutes for a few students to finish up that test, we took an open-book comprehension quiz on “Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World” chapters 1-5 for review. Reading logs are due tomorrow! 100 minutes in the last week.

Wed 9 April 2014

Today, like yesterday and Monday, we worked on preparing for the test. We’ve reviewed the elements of a 5-paragraph essay, practiced creating our own outline graphic organizers, and practiced writing an outline for the practice test. The homework has been simply to read for 20 minutes each night. The outline is due tomorrow.

Thursday 27 March

Yesterday we took a TEST! We also read from the “Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World” book.  Each class has read the following chapter (if you are behind, catch up!):

Period 1 – chapter 15

Period 2 – chapter 11

Period 4 – chapter 12

Period 6 – chapter 13

Wed 26 Mar 2014

Tomorrow I will have a substitute teacher. Here is what we will do:

  • Answer pre-test questions WS with partner
  • Review answers and concepts on pre-test
  • Read “Shipwreck…”

Thursday and Friday 20 and 21 March

What we did:

  • Read “Shipwreck…”


  • Read for 20 minutes

“Shipwreck…” Class standings:

Period one has read up to and including chapter 11

Period two has read up to and including chapter 7

Period four has read up to and including chapter 7

Period six has read up to and including chapter 9