Wed 21 May

Today in 2, 4, and 6th periods we:

  • Worked on memorizing the Gettysburg Address. Every student passed off the first section. Many student passed off the second and third sections. One student even passed off the last section. Way to go!
  • Read “The Westing Game” out loud as a class.
  • Discussed reading of “The Westing Game” as a class using the rules of collegial discussions.
  • Homework: read up to and including chapter 20 of “The Westing Game” by Friday.

Tuesday 20 May

  • 1st period: passed off 1st and 2nd section of the Gettysburg Address
  • 3rd period: we worked on taking notes for our Finding Nemo hero analysis paper and we worked in groups on our last comic book
  • 5th period: we worked on memorizing the Gettysburg Address and on our sentence writing unit

Mon 19 May

Today we read “The Westing Game” and worked on memorizing “The Gettysburg Address.” We have 1/2 of the address memorized, and have gotten to chapter 10 (at least) in the book.

In period 3 we worked on our movie analysis paper and the partner comic book project.

Thurs 8 May 2014

Today we began reading “The Westing Game.” We had a lesson on propaganda and practiced good reading strategies. We of course continued memorizing the Gettysburg address. Here is the homework:

  • read for 20 minutes
  • work on memorization
  • bring library books back!

Wed. 7 May

Today in 1 and 2 periods we presented the group projects. Way to go, guys! I was very impressed. We will be hanging a few in the hall to show off. Periods 4 and 6 we finished working on the story assignment. All stories are due tomorrow.


  • read for 20 minutes
  • work on memorization
  • stories for periods 4 and 6 are due tomorrow
  • bring library books back. All library books are due!

Tuesday 6 May

Today in 1 and 2 period we began our group projects. We will be presenting tomorrow. In 3rd period we continued to work on the partner comic book assignment. In fourth and sixth periods we presented group projects. In fourth we started reading “The Westing Game.” In sixth we will need more time for presentations tomorrow. In fifth period we did a bell ringer and a comprehension activity together as a class.