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Category Archive for 'Art Foundations 2'

Stamp (seal)   Create a small stamp that represents you and your name. The stamp will be used on your Sumi-e paintings. It can be your name in Japanese, Chinese, or some other language. It can be your initials, or an interesting symbol that is personalized (not a copy from somewhere). It should not be […]

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Value Vocabulary AF2

Quiz on vocab. Oct.- 22-2013.   VOCABULARY, Value.                      Art Foundations 2 1.       Value – One of the Elements of Art. The relative darkness from white to black. The relative lightness or darkness of tones and colors. 2.       Topology –Mathematics concerned with the most basic properties of […]

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The sphere is due Monday, 9-22-13.   SPHERE (Values) RUBRIC: Requirements: Draw a round circle by hand near the middle of the paper leaving room for a cast shadow. Do not use a compass, stencil, etc.  Using “Light Logic” and “Value”, create a sphere and cast shadow on your paper. Use dots if needed to […]

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Using the poster board provided, make a portfolio pocket to hold your artwork. Art foundations 1, please use the manila colored poster board. Art foundations 2, please use the white poster board. Fold the poster board not quite in half (hamberger way). There should be 1 to 2 inches off one one side. Staple the […]

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Unit One Quiz

There will be a quiz on Friday, 9/13/2013. Retake quiz Tuesday, 9/17/13. The quiz will be the elements of art, the principles of design, and unit one vocabulary. It is worth 30 points. The quiz is a combination of fill in the blanks, define a word, true and false, multiple choice, etc.

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Spatial Relationship – How things compare in space (size, placement in space, distance between shapes, negative space created, etc.). Placement – Positioning a shape or line properly to create the correct spatial relationship. Guide lines and measuring points help to acquire placement. Median Line – A line through the center or middle of a picture […]

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Draw in the other half of the jet (mirror image). Follow the instructions/rules. Use a median down the center, as well as guide lines and measuring points. Drawing a box (measured with your pencil) around the outside of the jet can help you gain better proportions. Check the angles. After drawing in pencil, use your […]

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Friday, 9/6/2013, this project will start. Due Friday, 9/13/ 2013. Bring an interesting shoe for you to draw, or use one of the shoes off your feet. Tennis shoe, ice skate, cleats, boot, high heels, etc., will work for your drawing. I do have a few old shoes that may be used if you forget. […]

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Unit 1, Vocab.

There will be a quiz for Unit 1 vocabulary on Friday,Sept. 13, 2013. Please prepare yourselves.     Unit 1, Glossary/Vocabulary. (#2) Line – A moving point. A long narrow mark (considered relatively one-dimensional). It forms shapes, gives direction (leads the eye), and creates rhythm and movement within a work of art. Implied Line – […]

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Make a portfolio pocket.                        9/5/2013 Notes: F1: Cream cardboard paper. F2: White cardboard paper. * Fold (hamburger way) approx. in half with one side a little taller than the other side. * Staple together approx. 1/2″ in from the side, with three to five staples […]

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