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Category Archive for 'Art Foundations 1'

Right Brain, Left Brain, and Frontal Lob Discussion, quick notes. Frontal lob: Connection port for Right and Left sides of the Brain. Right Brain: Often Left Handed, Creative, Real Observation, No Words, No Labels, Visual, and Spatial. Left Brain: Often Right Handed, Logical, Uses Symbols, Words, Labels, Sometimes Audio, and Sequential.    

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Art-Elements 7b

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Introduced 1-29-14 Think about your narrative to help get ideas for “your NAME Design” project. Create an interesting Name design that is clear and easy to read. Check the rubric for more information. NAME Rubric: YOUR NAME DESIGN Requirements: There must be three or more letters. The letters need to represent you and your life. […]

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Unit 1, Glossary/Vocabulary. (#2) 1. Line – A moving point. A long narrow mark (considered relatively one-dimensional). It forms shapes, gives direction (leads the eye), and creates rhythm and movement within a work of art. 2. Implied Line – Lines that are recognized by the brain and the eye but not really present. It can […]

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Narrative, about you. Due 1/29/14 Rubric NARRATIVE (about you) Name ______________________________ Period ____ Date _______ Use one 8 ½ x 11 or 9×12 piece of white paper and a pencil or black fine liner pen. Fill it with lots of small (miniature) drawings that relate to you and your life… rings, braces, sports, dance, base […]

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Disclosure, F1

Art Foundations-1, SAA Course Description: Art Foundations-1 is a course set up to provide an overview of the visual arts. It will give you the opportunity to create works of art using a variety of art materials and tools, such as paint, ink, and 3-D media. Concepts covering the elements of art and principles of […]

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Portfolio Container 1-22-14 Make a portfolio folder/container to keep your artwork, and some quizzes, and hand outs. Do not put your sketch book into your portfolio, because your sketch book is for your reference at home or for study, and it is too bulky for your class portfolio slot. Art Foundations 1, please use the […]

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A F 1: Abstract Expressionism with Paragraph, due 1-13-14. A F 2: Two Point Perspective in Color, due 1-13-14. Color Quiz, 1-14-14. Craft Project due, 1-14-14. Prep for Final Test, 1-15-14. Final Test, 1-16-14.

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Abstract Expressionism

  Art Foundations 1 Look at the work of the artist Kandinsky. Create an abstract expressionistic work of art. Think of an emotion and feeling (in combination) you would like to express. What shapes and colors express that emotion? Do you need calm cool colors or bright vibrant colors? Do you need smooth shapes or harsh […]

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Unit 5 COLOR GeometricShapesWithColorWheel 2a   Color Vocabulary Primary colors – Red, yellow, and blue. The three pigment colors from which all other colors are created. Theoretically, mixing all three colors makes black. First color category. (Triadic colors in an equal lateral triangle). Secondary colors – Green, orange, and violet/purple. The three colors created when […]

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