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Your NAME Design

Introduced 1-29-14
Think about your narrative to help get ideas for “your NAME Design” project. Create an interesting Name design that is clear and easy to read. Check the rubric for more information.

NAME Rubric: YOUR NAME DESIGN Requirements: There must be three or more letters. The letters need to represent you and your life. The letters need to go together, and be the same height. Two of the letters are part of an idea/object. The lines and shapes should be well defined. Use color pencils and make sure it is clean.
• Execution
• Craftsmanship
• Demonstrated Effort
• Well Planned/Evidence of preliminary work.
• Interesting, Intentional and thoughtful execution of art work.
• Clean.
______ / 10
Problem Solving & Assignment
• Follow the requirements of the assignment.
• Able to work within the requirements of the assignment to create challenging innovative work.
______ / 10
Formal and Conceptual Issues
• Thoughtfully utilizes elements of art and principles of design to achieve maximum design potential.
• Uses elements of art and principles of design to achieve good composition.
______ / 5
Total ______ / 25
A+ = 25, A = 24, A- = 23, B+ = 22, B = 21, B- = 20, C+ = 19, C = 18, C- = 17, D+ = 16, D = 15, D- = 14, F = 13>

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