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Ms. D. Reeves
Art, Ceramics, Syracuse Arts Academy
Course Description:
Ceramic is a course set up to develop basic skills in creation of 3-D forms and pottery from clay. It will give you the opportunity to create works of art using a variety of tools and supplies, such as a potters wheel, sculpture tools, and glazes. Concepts covering the elements of art and principles of design will be integrated into student’s individual art projects for developing art-related technology skills, higher-level thinking, and aesthetics. You will get an opportunity to see some photographs of historic artwork, develop art evaluation concepts, and see how science, nature, and culture affects art.

Supplies to bring:
1 – sketch diary/book, 11 in. x 8.5 in., 70 sheets, with spiral binding. (Walmart has them for $3.84),
2 – regular #2 HB pencils (no mechanical pencils),
1 – felt tip black marker,
1 – regular writing pen,
1 – Pocket Folder,
1 – gallon size zip-lock bag for clay, and
1 or 2 plastic bags to cover projects (kitchen garbage bags work).
*Your supplies are expected to join you in class every day.

Some of the provided supplies include:
Clay, glaze, tiles, potters rib, needle tools, and paper.

All fees are handled at the office.

We currently do not have a specific textbook, but I do have books that will be referred to in class, which are: “Ceramics, a potter’s handbook”, by G. C. Nelson, and “Varieties of Visual Experience”, by E. B. Feldman.

Grades Scale:
A+ 98-100% B 83-86% C- 70-72%
A 93-97% B- 80-82% D+ 67-69%
A- 90-92% C+ 77-79% D 63-66%
B+ 87-89% C 73-76% D- 60-62%
F 0-59%
Note: A+ notation does not show up on transcripts, therefore if you get a 98% or above, bring your transcript to me and I will sign it, making the proper notation.

Grade Weight:
Grades comprise (but are not limited to), the accumulation of points with your sketchbook, projects, participation/work ethic, homework, quizzes, and tests.

Homework assignments are often given for preparation for upcoming, in class projects (i.e. bring in an item to create texture like a sturdy piece of bark, leaves, etc.), and for completion of assignments and artwork. Please take projects home to finish if they were not completed within the allotted time in class.

Late Work:
Assignments need to be turned in on time. Work that is turned in after the due date looses one grade, so if the work would have received an A, it will receive a B grade for being late. After three days, I will take off 10% per day. Under certain conditions (i.e. your project is much more detailed than normal), if you ask me, I will give you a couple extra days to finish a project on your own time.

Make Up Work:
Make up work is for excused absences (not late work). Absent students are responsible for finding out what they missed. Check the teacher’s sketchbook when you return to school. Students may get extra help after school. If a student is absent for several days, arrangements need to be made with me on an individual bases.

Extra Credit:
Extra credit will be offered at the teacher discretion.

Citizenship Grades:
I will follow the school policies, which include tardies and unexcused absences. Unruly behavior will not be tolerated and will result in a drop of your citizenship grade and may affect participation points. Helpful, responsible, exemplar behavior creates a positive result on your citizenship grade.

Attendance, Tardies and Unexcused Absences (Sluffs):
I will follow the school policies. Students are expected to be in class every day. If a student is missing because of an excused absence they must still make up all missed work. Tardies and sluffs affect citizenship and participation points.

Participation/Work Ethic:
Students need to be in class, on time, working diligently, exhibiting proper behavior, working on art projects, following school and classroom rules, and cleaning up properly. Participation points are obtained (but not limited to) designated homework and worksheets, wheel throwing, as well as random checks for student engagement. Improper behavior, not cleaning up properly, being overtly sloppy or messy, leaving class without permission (truancy), breaking rules, which includes in class use of cell phones/games/iPods/etc. is not tolerated. Cheating is not allowed.

Rules/Expectations and Consequences:

1. Be Prepared and Do Self Starter
2. Follow Instruction
3. Be Productive
4. Do Proper Clean up
5. Be Respectful

1. Verbal Warning
2. Transcribe Expectations
3. Change Seat
4. Possible Referral to Office
5. Contact Parent/Guardian
Hall Pass:
Students will sign out and in to leave during class time, which requires my initials. Have your bathroom pass marked.

Display of Artwork:
Student’s artwork will periodically be displayed. Names should be written on the back of artwork, and should not be written on the front. This is so very good artwork could be used later in an AP art portfolio, and incase the student does not want to be identified. Names are often posted next to student artwork for shows, unless otherwise requested.
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I have read the CERAMICS art disclosure information. Date _____________ Period ______

PARENT/GAURDIAN SIGNATURE _________________________________________________________

PARENT/GAURDIAN PRINTED NAME ____________________________________________________

STUDENT ‘S PRINTED NAME ______________________________________________________________

STUDENT’S SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________________________

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