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Sculpture by Deborah Butterfield

(Click on the above to see a picture of the sculpture.)

We are using this sculpture (the one in the foreground), to learn the basic concepts of  ”Art Criticism”.

Oct. 29, 2013. Describe:

What do you see?

Now using the seven elements of art what do you see?

Is there contour line? What types of space is there? (And so on).

Review the elements of art.

Oct. 30, 2013. Analysis:

Is it interesting? What are the principles of design you see?

Review the principles of design.

Oct. 31, 2013. Interpret:

What do you think the sculpture means? What is the mood that is created?

How do the principles of design work with the sculpture to express its content?

Nov. 4, 2013. Judge:

Determine if the sculpture has artist merit.




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