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Stamp (seal)


Create a small stamp that represents you and your name. The stamp will be used on your Sumi-e paintings. It can be your name in Japanese, Chinese, or some other language. It can be your initials, or an interesting symbol that is personalized (not a copy from somewhere). It should not be too bold or too simple.  As always, it must be school appropriate. The idea design was set as homework and is due Monday, 9/23/13. The stamp should be finished on Thursday, 9/26/13. However, if you are not done you will have the weekend to finish because I will not be collecting the stamped name sheets until Monday 9/30/13 (Due Monday after class) .

Developing the name design into a stamp starts Monday 9/23/13, so please remember to bring your eraser and idea.

The process: Trace the eraser you will be using to make your name to get the right size. Draw your name symbol to fit inside the eraser area on paper with your regular #2 HB pencil. Place your design against the eraser and rub it firmly. The graphite pencil from your design will transfer to the eraser. It will be backwards on the eraser. Carefully cut away the area on the eraser that is not marked with the graphite lead pencil design. Use an x-acto blade to cut, wedging away from the design so to create a more stable stamp. Test the stamp. Re-cut the stamp if needed until reaching the desired outcome.

Stamp your name on the name form.

Save your name stamp to be used on the final product of your “Sumi-e” (oriental ink paintings).



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