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Paper Relief Sculpture

Choose an idea for your paper relief sculpture that interests you, and is school appropriate. Do not make it extremely complicated or to easy. Bring in a picture that will help you with your paper relief sculpture. It can be from a magazine, the internet, a photograph, or one of your own drawings. Do not do a direct copy of artwork from someone else.

Concepts to consider in the planning: 1. Choose an idea. 2. Use the principles of design. 3. Choose the right paper for your idea before starting. Use colors and values that make the right statement.

Observe the youtube videos on paper relief sculpture.

Paper Relief Sculpture  Videos ( youtube )

White paper, Eagle, Calvin Nicholls, 2:26


Feather, Calvin Nicolls, 5:26



Colored paper scene, Carlos Meira, 5:29



Paper world of Jeff Nishinaka



Cartoon Road Runner with 6 artwork frames at once which is a lot of paper cut-out pieces,paper sculpture by Mike B. for the Chuck Jones Gallery, 3:34



4/23/14. We will create a maple leaf. Each student will make their owe leaf, so we are doing this all at the same time. This is so everyone learns the techniques.

4/25/14. Take your idea for this sculpture and draw it on vellum/ tracing paper. Design for the different levels of you paper relief sculpture.

4/28/14. Cut out and create your paper sculpture.


Relief Sculpture from Paper, Rubric.

 Requirements: Not simple and not extremely complicated, and an interesting design. Looks like it took at least six class periods. It must have 20 or more parts, is multi faceted, and has 7 or more levels (raised). Paper should over lap each other creating an underneath support. Use critical thinking. Include vellum/tracing paper as a design guide. Good craftsmanship, clean work, and no visible pencil marks.


  • Execution
  • Craftsmanship
  • Demonstrated Effort
  • Well Planned/Evidence of preliminary work.
  • Interesting, Intentional and thoughtful execution of art work.

______ / 20





Problem Solving & Assignment

  • Follow the requirements of the assignment.
  • Able to work within the requirements of the assignment to create challenging innovative work.

______ / 20

Formal and Conceptual Issues

  • Thoughtfully utilizes elements of art and principles of design to achieve maximum design potential.
  • Uses elements of art and principles of design to achieve good composition.

______ / 10

Total ______ / 50  

A+ = 50, A = 48, A- = 46, B+ = 44, B = 42,

 B- = 40, C+ = 38, C = 36, C- = 34, D+ = 32,

 D = 30, D- = 28, F = 26>



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