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Sumi-e Rubric

SUMI-E RUBRIC (two paintings): 1. Uses more than three obvious values (at least three values in orchid leaves). 2. Not centered. 3. Not symmetrical (or very evenly spaced). 4. Not from or to a direct corner. 5. Not lined up. 6. Balance of white space. 7. Multiple lines not coming from one point or spot. 8. Do not layer one stroke multiple times. 9. Free arm movement. 10 F2: Color (brown black branches or pink blossoms). Branches get thinner farther from the trunk, and generally follow the direction of forward growth. Blossoms seldom come off the end of a branch. F1: Imaginary root clump on the paper. Leaves should be generally pointed for orchid plants and flower stem a light value.    * To complete the sumi-e you must have your stamp in a proper place on it. Note: Numbers two through six deal with concepts of topology in relationship to sumi-e.


  • ·         Execution
  • ·         Craftsmanship
  • ·         Demonstrated Effort
  • ·         Well Planned (fill drawing area, etc.) / preliminary work.
  • ·         Interesting, Intentional and thoughtful execution of art work.
  • ·         Clean.

______ / 10





Problem Solving & Assignment

  • ·         Follow the requirements of the assignment.
  • ·         Able to work within the requirements of the assignment to create challenging innovative work.

______ / 10

Formal and Conceptual Issues

  • ·         Thoughtfully utilizes elements of art and principles of design to achieve maximum design potential.
  • ·         Use principles of design to achieve good composition.

______ / 5

Total ______ / 25  

A+ = 25, A = 24, A- = 23, B+ = 22, B = 21, B- = 20, C+ = 19, C = 18, C- = 17, D+ = 16, D = 15, D- = 14



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