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Monthly Archive for March, 2014

Sumi-e Rubric

SUMI-E RUBRIC (two paintings): 1. Uses more than three obvious values (at least three values in orchid leaves). 2. Not centered. 3. Not symmetrical (or very evenly spaced). 4. Not from or to a direct corner. 5. Not lined up. 6. Balance of white space. 7. Multiple lines not coming from one point or spot. […]

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Oriental Culture. What is oriental? (East Asia…) What is culture? (The arts, traditions, beliefs, and way of life of a group of people.)  What does Sumi-e (oriental ink painting) have to do with the oriental culture? Oriental culture strives to be in harmony with nature and life. Sometimes looking for the path or middle to […]

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Tuesday, March 4th you will have a demonstration on spraying a fixative on your sphere drawings. A fixative helps hold the medium in place. The drawings must be cleaned clear of smudges. Two students will partner to help hold each others work while the artist sprays their own picture. A third person who is already […]

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SPHERE (Values) RUBRIC: Requirements: Draw a round circle by hand near the middle of the paper leaving room for a cast shadow. Do not use a compass, stencil, etc.  Using “Light Logic” and “Value”, create a sphere and cast shadow on your paper. Use dots if needed to guide accuracy of value changes, so lines […]

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Stamp (seal), as your name stamp. Bring in a new eraser. Create a small stamp that represents you and your name. The stamp will be used on your Sumi-e paintings. It can be your name in Japanese, Chinese, or some other language. It can be your initials, or an interesting symbol that is personalized (not […]

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