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Monthly Archive for February, 2014

ART: Jet & Butterfly Rubric Rules: No rulers and no copying/tracing. A side of a pencil can be used. Use a median line, measuring points, angles, spatial relationships, etc. A dozen or more guide lines should be used. Create the mirror image using proper proportion. Outline your half in sharpie. (The butterfly may use ink […]

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Right Brain, Left Brain, and Frontal Lob Discussion, quick notes. Frontal lob: Connection port for Right and Left sides of the Brain. Right Brain: Often Left Handed, Creative, Real Observation, No Words, No Labels, Visual, and Spatial. Left Brain: Often Right Handed, Logical, Uses Symbols, Words, Labels, Sometimes Audio, and Sequential.    

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Pinch Pot Videos YOUTUBE, URLs

The videos are to help you in creating a pinch pot cup with a face (a mug mug). The face can be human, animal, or monster. Ceramic Pinch Pot Videos, youtube.   Pinch pot, 6:27 min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UL5fQtO6qk Pinch pot fish, 4:12 min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HPlYQWY4Vc   Small pinch pot, bowl, expertvillage, 1:11 min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rgyc7zqrmXU Pinch pot cup, expertvillage,1:40 […]

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