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Basic Green Ware Ceramic Rubric(25 pts. Possible):  Clay wall having uniform thickness. It should not be too thick or to thin (avoid thick bottom edge). It should sit flat and sturdy. It should be properly made.  If it has a handle it should be good quality and properly attached. The ceramic work needs to be clean and neat.


  • Execution, Craftsmanship, Demonstrated Effort, Well Planned/Evidence of preliminary work, Interesting, Intentional and thoughtful execution of art work.

Problem Solving & Assignment

  • Follow the requirements of the assignment. Able to work within the requirements of the assignment to create challenging innovative work.

Formal and Conceptual Issues

  • Thoughtfully utilizes elements of art and principles of design to achieve maximum design potential. Uses elements of art and principles of design to achieve good composition.

A+ = 25, A = 24, A- = 23, B+ = 22, B = 21, B- = 20, C+ = 19, C = 18, C- = 17, D+ = 16, D = 15…

Basic Glaze Rubric (10 pts. Possible): Even coating of glaze. Properly covered (not too thin or too think) without flaws. Does it have an interesting and desired effect?

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