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Hatching, etc.


Hatching, Cross Hatching, Random Lines, and Stippling.




The more space between the lines, the lighter the value.


Cross Hatching

Cross hatching is just like hatching except that the lines cross over each other. The more that the lines cross, the darker the value. Cross hatching can be used with rigid straight lines or as cross contour lines to define the form of the object.

Random Lines

Lines going in various directions can also be used to create pen and ink drawings. By changing the frequency of the crossing of the lines, you can control the range of value produced. Using this method can also create a variety of different textures.


Stippling is adding countless dots to create the value of the drawing. The higher the concentration of dots, the darker the value. The more space between the dots, the lighter the value. Stippling may be time consuming, but it allows the artist to have complete control the application of value, which can produce highly realistic results.

Ink Wash

Ink wash is the application of ink with a brush. Ink wash is much like painting with watercolor paint. The more water, the less intense the application of ink. Therefore, value is controlled by the amount of water added to the ink prior to it’s application to the surface.

Although many may disagree with me, it is may opinion that you should never mix methods. Pick a technique and stick with it. It will make your artwork unified.



Pen and Ink Hatching, Crosshatching and Scumbling
Basic Pen Strokes for Ink Drawing

The Illusion of Value
We usually think of ink drawing in terms of line, because of the solid black line created with pen-and-ink, we imagine that we can’t create tonal value. While this might be, strictly speaking, true – there are many ways that we can create the illusion of value.

The most basic method of creating value in ink drawing is linear hatching. Fine parallel lines fill an area, so that from just a slight distance, we have the illusion of value. The closer the lines are, the less white paper shows, and the darker the value appears. Heavier lineweight (pressing more firmly or using a bigger nib) also gives a darker appearance.
Crosshatching uses layers of hatching placed at an angle. Usually, the first layer would be vertical, the next horizontal, the next at forty-five degrees, and so on. This methodical approach can look a little mechanical, so artists often use variation in direction to add interest.

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Contour Hatching
Hatching placed at a slight angle creates a moire-like effect, the diamond-shaped fragments of white paper enlivening the denser areas of value. This technique is often used in figure drawing, with the direction of line helping to suggest the cross-contours of the body. Hatching which follows a contour can also help to make objects appear more three-dimensional.
Scumbling and Random Hatching
Scumbling, often called the ‘brillo pad’ technique, uses layers of small calligraphic, scribbled marks to build up value and texture. Varying the direction and shape adds more interest than a simple circular scribble. Random hatching uses layers of short, straight marks. Various textures result depending on whether these short hatches are applied vertically, at right angles, following a contour or at random angles.
Stippling uses tiny dots to create value. The closer together the dots, the darker the tone. Larger dots create a denser t


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