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Start Feb. 18, 2014.

VOCABULARY, Value.                         Art Foundations 1,                            Ms. Reeves

  1. Value – One of the Elements of Art. The relative darkness from white to black. The relative lightness or darkness of tones and colors.
  2. Topology –Mathematics concerned with the most basic properties of space. It deals with geometry and the way shapes or objects are put together. In Sumi-e has to do with non-symmetric and the balance of white space.
  3.  Mid-tone – It is the middle area in the value scale.
  4. Light Logic – Six parts. 1) Highlight; 2) Light; 3) Reflective Light; 4) Shadow Edge; 5) Core Shadow; 6) Cast Shadow.
  5. Chiaroscuro – /kee ahr uh skyur oh/ Italian chiaro “light” and oscuro “dark”. Range of value to give the illusion of form. (Chiaroscuro contrasts with the flat forms favored in Oriental and Egyptian art.)
  6. Sumi-e – Oriental ink painting. Sumi means ink and e means paper in Japanese.
  7. Charcoal – A carbon made by heating wood in the absence or near absence of air so that the material cannot burn. Charcoal is used as a drawing medium that comes in twig, chunk, compressed and pencil form, and has many degrees of darkness.
  8. White charcoal – Not a charcoal at all but a white material that is compatible with charcoal, often made from chalk and gypsum.
  9. Contrast – the counter part or opposite concepts to one another, such as light vs. dark values, rough vs. smooth textures, and opposite colors on the color wheel. It is used to create visual interest and drama. 


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