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Two Point Perspective Landscape, F2:



Requirements: Landscape with futuristic or ancient qualities, 2 Vanishing Points for two point perspective, and at least 25 lines for the 2 vanishing points. Then it needs to be inked in, have slight shading, and colored. Clean and prepared to show. (12×18 paper).

Apply perspective vocab. concepts.


  • Execution
  • Craftsmanship
  • Demonstrated Effort
  • Well Planned/Evidence of preliminary work.
  • Interesting, Intentional and thoughtful execution of art work.

______ / 20



Problem Solving & Assignment

  • Follow the requirements of the assignment.
  • Able to work within the requirements of the assignment to create challenging innovative work.

______ / 20

Formal and Conceptual Issues

  • Thoughtfully utilizes elements of art and principles of design to achieve maximum design potential.
  • Uses elements of art and principles of design to achieve good composition.

______ / 10

Total ______ / 50

A+ = 50, A = 48, A- = 46, B+ = 44, B = 42,

B- = 40, C+ = 38, C = 36, C- = 34, D+ = 32,

D = 30, D- = 28, F = 26>


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