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Begin date: Oct.23, 2013.

The sculpture using the subtractive technique will be made from soap. A 4 oz. “Lever” bar of soap is provided for each student.

We have many fine tools that must be used properly.

An idea needs to be developed, drawn out, and explained on a “design chart” before starting. Use the size and shape of the soap to help guide what to carve. Bring in photographs, pictures from magazines and the internet to help create your idea and sketch.

Fill out four squares on the back of the design chart.

The write up needs to be written using proper English (like an English teacher might requires). The write up must contain what your idea is, and how you are using two “principles of design” in the sculpture. Add a meaning, emotion, connection, or how or why you chose this idea for your sculpture.

Give your sculpture a title that has some connection to what you see.

Completed design chart due Friday Oct. 25, 2013

Introduction of tools, Oct. 24, 2013.


Due Date:

The soap sculpture should be finished on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013. They will be due on Monday Nov.4, 2013, so students that want to work on them at home over the weekend may do so, but we will not working on them in class after Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013.


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