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Hand building ceramic container 1b


Hand-Building Ceramic Container

Hand-Building Ceramic Container Authentic Assessment:

The “Arts and Ceramics” store owner saw some of your ceramics and invited you to create a new idea for a hand built container. He wants a young person’s perspective. The three-dimensional container should be functional. The shop owner will display your ceramic artwork and will only take a 25% commission on sales. The requirements are listed below.


Hand-Building Ceramic Container Requirements

* A container of some sort (vase, pitcher, tea pot, cookie jar, etc.).

* Hand-Built with ceramic clay using coiling, and/or pinching, and slab techniques.

*The container needs to be 7 inches (wet clay) or more in at least one dimension. (Include approx. size in design chart).

* Two defined textures (included in write up).

* Two obvious art principles (written on design chart and included in write up).

* Draw a picture of your idea on one side of the design chart and include the shape of the base (bottom) next to the drawing.

* Use the design chart handout and fill in at least 7 areas on the chart.

*Include your name and period, and give a title to your art project on the design chart paper.

*Make sure you have thought about your building techniques.

* The design chart needs to be signed off by the teacher before you start it in clay.


Stage 1 (Design Chart/Design)

  1. Sketch your idea on one side of the design chart.
  2. Put your name, date, and period at the top of the design chart papers.
  3. Fill out design chart and create a title for your art work.
  4. Write up your idea in a paragraph. Clearly state two intentionally developed principles of design in your write-up. State two textures. Check RUBIC for more information.
  5. Get your design chart signed off by the instructor.


Stage 2

  1. Get your supplies (including needed textures).
  2. Use a board or tile to support your clay container project.
  3. Wrap clay in plastic to prevent it from drying while work is in progress.
  4. Use techniques seen on hand-building videos and the demonstration.
  5. Check requirements, RUBRIC, and your write-up.
  6. Build your art project.
  7. When complete turn in paperwork with art project.

(Note: Glazing is not included until later).

RUBRIC for Hand-Built Ceramic Container

CRITERIA       GREAT 10p.   GOOD 7p.    DEVELOPING 4p. NOTE   

Idea Sketch

And filled in design chart


Written Description

Defined, Visible, Sketch on one side of design chart. Seven or more areas of the design chart filled in.

More than three sentences that include: two clearly defined design principles, two different textures, approximate size of object, very clearly stated, very neat, no spelling or grammar errors.

Visible Sketch on one side of design chart. Five or six areas of the design chart filled in.

Three sentences that include: two design principles, two different textures, neatly written, and one to two spelling or grammar errors.

Undefined, hard to see sketch not on one side of design chart hand-out. Four or less areas of the design chart filled in.

Short or incomplete sentences that include one design principles, not clear, not neat, more than two spelling or grammar errors.

Hand Built Project and



(Point x 3)

Interesting hand-built design, constructed properly, excellent craftsmanship, 2 clearly defined design principles, 2 different textures. Papers turned in with project. Over 7 inches (wet clay) in at least one dimension. Interesting hand-built design, decent construction, good craftsmanship, one clearly defined design principles, and one texture. Papers turned in with project. ~7 inches (wet clay) in at least one dimension. Undeveloped hand-built design, questionable  construction, lacking in craftsmanship, one design principles, one texture. Papers changed or not aligned with project, papers turned in with project. Less than 7 inches (wet clay).  
Points       Design Chart & Green ware (40)
Glaze Quality glazing, & techniques. Adequate glazing, & techniques. Inadequate glazing. Glaze  (10)


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