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Monthly Archive for October, 2013

Sculpture by Deborah Butterfield (Click on the above to see a picture of the sculpture.) We are using this sculpture (the one in the foreground), to learn the basic concepts of  ”Art Criticism”. Oct. 29, 2013. Describe: What do you see? Now using the seven elements of art what do you see? Is there contour […]

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Begin date: Oct.23, 2013. The sculpture using the subtractive technique will be made from soap. A 4 oz. “Lever” bar of soap is provided for each student. We have many fine tools that must be used properly. An idea needs to be developed, drawn out, and explained on a “design chart” before starting. Use the size […]

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Oct. 23, 2013. Discussion on Sculptures. See Visual (attached). SCULPTURES #2a    

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Start date: 10-22-2013.   Form and Artistic Criticism Vocab. Sculpture – Three-dimensional works of art created out of a multitude of different media, including stone, wood, metal, and clay by carving, welding, casting, modeling, or assembling. Negative space – The empty or open area around a shape or form. This negative space (sometimes called ground) can […]

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Hand building ceramic container

Hand building ceramic container 1b   Hand-Building Ceramic Container Hand-Building Ceramic Container Authentic Assessment: The “Arts and Ceramics” store owner saw some of your ceramics and invited you to create a new idea for a hand built container. He wants a young person’s perspective. The three-dimensional container should be functional. The shop owner will display […]

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Simple tools for ceramics

You should be able to identify the following simple ceramic tools. CERAMIC TOOLS, SIMPLE Wire Cutter, Needle Tool, Flexible Metal Rib, Wooden Rib, Ribbon Tool, Calipers (for measuring), Wooden Modeling Tool, Wire Ended Tool, Sponge, Clay Trimmer, Fettling knife.    

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We will be drawing an eye using charcoal as our medium, in April. The charcoal eye. Introduced the concept of adding something to make your charcoal eye drawing unique. It can be something very small and not very noticeable. It can be part of the eye brow, eye, skin, or a reflection. It must be […]

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Sumi-e Rubric

SUMI-E RUBRIC: Requirements (on two paintings): 1. Uses more than three obvious values (at least three values in orchid leaves). 2. Not centered. 3. Not symmetrical (or very evenly spaced). 4. Not from or to a direct corner. 5. Not lined up. 6. Balance of white space. 7. Multiple lines not coming from one point or […]

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Where to find Sumi-e Videos

Sumi-e Videos, [The Four gentlemen or seasons] Orchid   Demo. twist of orchid leaves (10:04). Sitting, wet brush, roll twist stroke, free movement, & practice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNfD1UGEmOo Branch orchid demo. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYbuWWxLLCQ   Plum Branches Plum branches with bone style blossoms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ_rIlSL9hY Plum branches with color blossoms. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0JaYaALBJI   Bamboo Bamboo with bird http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr6HEm_kkPM   Chrysanthemum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqhO2YLdR8g   […]

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We talked about sumi-e and what makes a good design as well as how to clean up properly. The following was our lists that should be written in section 2-6. Good Design for Sumi-e 1.* Use more than three values 2.* Not centered 3.* Not symmetrical 4.* Not from or to a direct corner of the paper 5.* Not […]

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