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The sphere is due Monday, 9-22-13.


SPHERE (Values) RUBRIC: Requirements: Draw a round circle by hand near the middle of the paper leaving room for a cast shadow. Do not use a compass, stencil, etc.  Using “Light Logic” and “Value”, create a sphere and cast shadow on your paper. Use dots if needed to guide accuracy of value changes, so lines don’t show. Add value to the circle to give implied form in the same directions as the longitude and latitude line on a world globe. Line up the shadows edge properly with the cast shadow using a ruler or straight edge. Create at least six values, and blend for soft edges (not lines). Do not break the tooth of the paper.  Add the value one layer at a time so not to break the tooth of the paper.  Spray work to affix it.                                                                     Note: F1: Use ebony graphite medium. F2, include a table surface and edge, while using black paper and white chalk.


  • Execution
  • Craftsmanship
  • Demonstrated Effort
  • Well Planned (fill drawing area, etc.) / preliminary work.
  • Interesting, Intentional and thoughtful execution of art work.
  • Clean.

______ / 10




Problem Solving & Assignment

  • Follow the requirements of the assignment.
  • Able to work within the requirements of the assignment to create challenging innovative work.

______ / 10

Formal and Conceptual Issues

  • Thoughtfully utilizes elements of art and principles of design to achieve maximum design potential.
  • Use principles of design to achieve good composition.

______ / 5

Total ______ / 25  


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