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NARRATIVE (about you)

DUE DATE :The due date has been changed. It is no longer Tuesday, August 27, 2013. It has been pushed back one day to Aug. 28, 2013.

Use one 8 ½ x 11 piece of white paper and a pencil or black fine liner pen. Fill it with lots of small (miniature) drawings that relate to you and your life… rings, braces, sports, dance, base ball, music, animals, travel, hiking, sand castles, camping, etc. The page must be filled, and all items should be reduced to nearly the same size. All images must be school appropriate!

Excellent  (5) Good  (4) Developing(3) Poor (below 3)
Assignment:Follow instructions
Quality:Craftsmanship, quality, effort, presentation
Problem Solving (within the requirements):Creativity, Process

15 – Total Points Possible

A = 14,    B = 12,    C = 10,    D = 8,    F = below 8

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